Digitalisation Anxiety*
Before engaging in digital nudging activities, it’s essential to focus on teachers’ attitudes towards digital teaching tools and to foster positive “digital mindsets.” In today’s fast-paced digital world, many teachers are experiencing what experts call “digitalisation anxiety.” This unease, brought about by the rapid introduction of new technologies, can significantly impact educators’ well-being and effectiveness in the classroom. Understanding digitalisation anxiety is the first step in mitigating its effects and fostering a supportive environment for educators.
What is Digitalisation Anxiety?
Digitalisation anxiety is defined as a tense and unsettling anticipation related to new technologies and their integration into daily life. Unlike general technology stress, digitalisation anxiety encompasses both the content and process of adopting new technologies. It affects not just how information is presented and processed, but also how people communicate, work, and live.
Triggers of Digitalisation Anxiety
Digitalisation anxiety can be triggered by various factors at societal, organizational, and individual levels:
Measuring Digitalisation Anxiety
To address digitalisation anxiety, Pfaffinger et al. (2021) developed the Digitalisation Anxiety Scale (DAS), which includes 35 triggers across societal, organizational, and individual levels. This scale helps in identifying the specific sources of anxiety and tailoring interventions accordingly.
Consequences of Digitalisation Anxiety
Unchecked digitalisation anxiety can lead to various negative outcomes, including increased stress, reduced engagement and job satisfaction, poor sleep quality, and lower productivity. Teachers experiencing this anxiety might find it challenging to keep up with technological changes, impacting their teaching effectiveness and overall well-being. It is also unlikely that any nudge intervention aimed at increasing digital teaching tool use is effective for teachers experiencing digitalisation anxiety.
The Dual Nature of the Digital Mindset
Digitalisation and new technologies bring new possibilities, opportunities, and benefits. However, they also trigger uncertainty and fears, becoming burdensome for those affected. Personal attitudes and beliefs regarding digitalisation accumulate in the individual digital mindset, which can have both negative and positive components.
Addressing Digitalisation Anxiety
Addressing digitalisation anxiety involves a multi-faceted approach:
Understanding and addressing digitalisation anxiety is crucial for creating a supportive and effective educational environment. By recognizing the triggers and consequences of this anxiety, and implementing comprehensive strategies to address it, we can help teachers navigate the digital landscape with confidence and ease.
Together, let’s create a future where digitalisation enhances education rather than hinders it.
Authors: Czakert, J.P. & Berger, R.
*This blogpost is based on the following publication: Reif, J.A.M., Czakert, J.P., Spieß, E., Berger, R. (2023). Digitalisierungsangst als Gefahr für ein digitales Mindset?. In: Kaiser, S., Ertl, B. (eds) Digitale Mindsets. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden.
Contributed by the Universtiy of Barcelona