Welcome to our Progression Page!
We are excited to present the comprehensive outcomes of the Nudging 360° project, a collaborative initiative, co-funded by the European Union, focused on pioneering nudging strategies within the realm of higher education. This project represents a dynamic journey of exploration, bringing together diverse perspectives and insights to drive positive change within the academic landscape.
This page serves as a central hub for accessing detailed reports from our various sessions. Keep an eye out for future updates, additional insights, and new reports as we continue to refine and expand our understanding of nudging strategies in the higher education landscape.
Preparing kick-off
1st online meeting
2nd meeting in Mechelen
3th meeting in Barcelona
4th online meeting
5th online meeting
6th meeting in Münster
7th online meeting
8th online meeting
9th online meeting
10th online meeting
11th online meeting
12th meeting in Camerino
13th online meeting
Preparing kick-off
22 October 2022
Adisa Ejubovic from ACEEU initiated the Nudging 360° project. She and Nathalie Bekx from Trendhuis met on October 22nd to prepare the kickoff.
Nudging 360° aims to boost HE educators’ (self-)motivation and to incentivize positive attitudes towards acquiring digital skills through nudging theory (principles) for educators to become more skilled in the use of digital tools. This will improve the overall quality of digital education materials and online teaching in HEIs and ultimately benefit students through increased participation and engagement in digital learning.
1st online meeting
15 November 2022
During the first online meeting, all partners were introduced to each other. Trendhuis presented a housestyle and several logos. Together, we decided which logo to use and talked about the importance of nudging. The role of each partner in the project was defined, as well as the finances and planning. Take a look at this short presentation.
All partners will lead or co-lead at least one of the Work Packages and will host a TPM. Responsibility for WPs has been assigned based on each partner’s professional strengths, thus ensuring that the WP results will be realized timely, efficiently, and to the highest standards possible.
2nd meeting in Mechelen
17-01-2023 & 18-01-2023
Nudging is one of the strategies from behavioral economics that aims to influence behavior by changing the environment. It could also be valuable in educational contexts.
We overviewed the project and workpackages. All partners presented nudging examples. Take a closer look into the presentations of all partners here: Trendhuis, University of Barcelona, Unicam, ACEEU, Momentum.
We looked at digital tools divided by categories presented by Trendhuis. Our goal: nudge educators towards using more digital tools in their classes.
Our project will result in two toolkits with nudges and self-nudges, available for every universiy or college. The aim is to encourage professors to use more digital tools for their classes, adjusting their teaching skills to modern society.
3th meeting in Barcelona
27-04-2023 & 28-04-2023
Welcome and agenda of the meeting by Trendhuis. We talked about the importance of the ethical council (WP2). ACEEU drafted a Road Map and Council Statutes. We need one ethical expert per partner. They will criticize the nudges we have created. Do they comply with privacy standards, are they good and ethical, …
Next on the agenda the Needs and prioritization map (WP3). Each partner conducted several interviews with different educators and digital experts. The University of Barcelona presented the interview and desk research results and discussed the methodology of the desk research. All other partners presented their interview results as well, which showed a lot of similarities. Everyone will send the completed desk research of their country to the University of Barcelona, who will make a summary of all results to be be included in the needs and prioritization map.
We brainstormed about the questionnaires for students and educators considering needs and barriers. The university of Barcelona will provide the questionnaires to be translated by all partners. The surveys should be ready before summer.
5th online meeting
Check to-do list and review the first 3 work packages. We talked about a blog for the website and dissemination of our project. Our next live meeting will take place in Munster, Thursday november 30th and Friday December 1st.
6th meeting in Münster
30-11-2023 & 01-12-2023
We started by reviewing the interim report for the European Union and looked at the website where Trendhuis added a blog page.
National summaries were presented by all partners following the example of Spain: Belgium, Italy, Germany and Ireland. All summaries will be added to the Needs and Prioritization Map. It seems European Higher Education is actively integrating digital tools to enhance teaching quality and adapt to the challenges of a digital society.
On day two, Barcelona presented the preliminary results of the surveys. There is a disparity in preferences between students and teachers. Concerns regarding barriers were expressed, and discussions were held to establish a starting point for the development of the nudging toolkit. Trendhuis prepared some nudging ideas using the categories introduced before.
Trendhuis provided an overview of the horizontal activities and guidelines to the communication tasks for all partners.
7th online meeting
We discussed the tasks that need completion before our upcoming meeting in March. ACEEU delivered the final Council Statutes and Road Map for the Nudging Ethics Council. The University of Barcelona is responsible for finalizing the Needs and Prioritization Map. The website requires some updates, and we need new blog articles. Another point on the agenda was Social Media. Each partner is taking turns managing our Social Media Channels.
Additionally, we initiated the work on work package 4, focusing on the creation of nudges. Trendhuis showed an example of an inspiring nudging case about the KU Leuven Learning Lab. All partners need to assemble interesting cases with nudging examples, we can use as a starting point for our Nudging toolkits.
8th online meeting
Trendhuis presented the updated website and added a result page. We talked about social media management efforts and the continuation of our blog.
The University of Barcelona presented the results of the survey. These results highlighted preferences for tools like recorded classes, while staff leaned towards pedagogical tools. Following that, we looked at the progress of the Ethical Council. This Council has been set up and every partner has chosen a representative, but we still need to compile a checklist.
Afterwards we discussed nudging ideas and all partners were reminded to submit their nudging examples by mail. Trendhuis will prepare a roadmap for creating the nudges. We will discuss this during our next meeting end of April.
9th online meeting
Trendhuis has initiated work on WP4 and has developed a draft roadmap for creating nudges. Our discussions revolved around this roadmap, where we will add a more detailed section about ethical considerations, a new section addressing policy implications, and another section focused on engagement with stakeholders. Additionally, we plan to enrich the roadmap by incorporating more granular steps to facilitate the nudge creation process.
ACEEU provided a checklist for the etical council and an additional document with guidelines for creating nudges, which we can use to finetune the roadmap.
Momentum talked about their vision for WP5 and expressed the intention to present a more detailed proposal during our in-person meeting in Italy this October.
10th online meeting
Everyone was satisfied with the nudging roadmap. We consider this concluded. Next, we will develop a Digital Nudging Manual for HE administrators and another for HE educators. Our goal is to outline a methodology for creating impactful digital nudges, complemented by comprehensive toolkits. Additionally, we will create an attractive playbook filled with high-quality examples of digital nudges.
Trendhuis has outlined initial ideas for structuring the manuals in the roadmap. All partners have to send their suggestions about the target goals and the structure of the manuals to Trendhuis by the end of July.
The university of Camerino presented an interesting visual example of an online framework from the university of Aberdeen.
11th online meeting
We gathered to proceed with WP4. Trendhuis will draft a new table of contents for the manual, incorporating feedback from some partners. We can discuss the further approach.
The University of Camerino has developed a platform with our nudging examples, which they will demonstrate at our in-person meeting in Camerino this October. We will collaborate on WP4 with all partners during that meeting.
Additionally, we need to advance the establishment of the Ethical Council as part of WP2, which is the responsibility of ACEEU. Also on the agenda: WP5. All partners can send suggestions on the approach to Momentum.
12th meeting in Camerino
15-10-2024 & 16-10-2024
The first morning, Trendhuis provided a Project Status Report, including milestones achieved and challenges faced. We evaluated all workpackages briefly and discussed the future role of the Ethical Council in evaluating and validating upcoming toolkits. Trendhuis highlighted the necessity to share content on our social media channels and monitoring.
The university of Camerino organised a seminar on digital nudging in the afternoon. After the introduction of our project by the university of Camerino, the university of Barcelona shared some insides of the field research. ACEEU introduced the concept of nudging. The session concluded with a captivating presentation by Luca Mozzoni and Niccolò Francioni, who demonstrated NudgeWise, a platform to facilitate the collection of nudges.
The second day of the project meeting all partners discussed the ongoing development of digital nudging strategies. We need to continue collaboration on the development of toolkits based on the insights gathered. ACEEU presented the Quality Assurance Plan, detailing te project’s progress and gave a status overview of WP2.
13th online meeting
A framework for the toolkits based on needs and barriers recorded is available for reference. The University of Camerino refined the toolkit design by developing guidelines and writing an introduction for the nudging toolkit and an introduction for the self-nudging toolkit. They also created a structure for the Nudging Toolkit for Administrative Staff and a structure for the Self-Nudging Toolkit for Educators.
Every partner needs to design three nudges and three self-nudges and record them in the provided template. To assist the other partners, the university of Camerino started by creating three nudges for administrative staff and three self-nudges for educators.
Trendhuis proposed a multi-layerded approach for the dissemination. We will discuss this draft dissemination plan further in January. We will schedule online meetings mid-December and mid-January, ensuring all partners complete their nudges by mid-January,